Feb 22, 2022
- Always use PrivadoVPN when you are online.
- We recommend using a secure web browser such as Firefox. Firefox blocks over 2000 trackers.
- Privacy Badger developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is an ad-blocker we highly recommend and suggest everyone download and utilize.
- Use a Search Engine that is privacy oriented. Startpage.com is a private search engine that anonymizes Google searches.
- Use strong passwords and update them on a quarterly basis at a minimum. Make sure your passwords are at least 10 characters long and contain a mix of letters, numbers and special characters.
- Remove and delete cookies Cookies in your browser settings every time you are online and before you log-off.
- Always use two-factor or multi-factor authentication. Using two-factor authentication makes it much more difficult for someone to hack your account with a service provider because you need to be in possession of your device as well as knowing the password.