Sep 20, 2024
To begin, please find your unique SOCKS5 username and password here.
The Username and Password used for SOCKS5 are different from your VPN credentials.
From this page, you can also select the server you'd like to connect to. You'll use the server information provided to enter into the client.
1. From the client, select "Tools" > "Options", then select the "Connection" tab and enter the following information:
Type: SOCKS5
Host: (server address provided here)
Port: 1080
Use proxy for peer connections: Checked
Use proxy only for torrents: Unchecked
Authentication: Checked
Username: (unique SOCKS5 username, found here)
Password: (unique SOCKS5 password, found here)
2. Apply the changes and confirm with OK.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our support team at