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Home > PrivadoVPN Setup Guides > Manual Setup > Linux OpenVPN Manual Setup
Linux OpenVPN Manual Setup
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*Manual OpenVPN setup is available to Premium users only.

**The below setup is recommended for Debian-based distributions (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux, Elementary OS, etc).

Before proceeding to the actual setup, you will need to obtain your Privado username.


1. Log in to your Privado Admin area; copy and save your Privado Username for a manual connection. The Password will be the same as the one you use to log in to the Privado Admin area or the PrivadoVPN application. You will need these details later on to set up your OpenVPN connection. 

2. After saving your username, click or Find your preferred server location on the left. Next, under "Server", copy and save the server name (ex. sfo-005).  
"Capacity" means the percentage of free available slots on a particular server; i.e. the higher the number is, the better. 

OpenVPN set up on Debian-based distributions

1. Open a terminal window and execute the following command to install the openvpn, unzip, resolvconf and rename packages: 

If you can't find a launcher, or if you just want a faster way to bring up the terminal, most Linux systems use the same default keyboard shortcut to start it: Ctrl + Right Alt + T


sudo apt install openvpn unzip resolvconf rename


2. Execute the following command to download, unzip and rename the OpenVPN configuration files: 

mkdir ~/privadovpn && wget -q -O ~/privadovpn/ && unzip -q ~/privadovpn/ -d ~/privadovpn && rm ~/privadovpn/ && rename 's/default/udp/' ~/privadovpn/*default* && rename 's/tcp-scramble/tcp/' ~/privadovpn/*scramble* && sed -i 's/scramble/#scramble/g' ~/privadovpn/*tcp* && sed -i 's/3074/443/g' ~/privadovpn/*tcp* && sudo mv ~/privadovpn /etc/openvpn/


3.  You can see a list of available configuration files by executing the following command:

ls /etc/openvpn/privadovpn


4. Run the following command to activate the connection (replace <configuration_file_name> with the name of the file you want to run):

sudo openvpn /etc/openvpn/privadovpn/<configuration_file_name>


For example:

sudo openvpn /etc/openvpn/privadovpn/sfo-005.tcp.ovpn

5. Enter your PrivadoVPN username and password you saved at Step 1 and press Enter:

5. All done; you have successfully connected to PrivadoVPN:

6. To deactivate the connection, close the terminal in which the VPN is running (or press CTRL + C in this terminal),  or open a new terminal window and execute:

sudo killall openvpn



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